
Woman on phone near car

Many of us enjoy memes. It is a chance to not take life so seriously and just enjoy the moment.

Sometimes we are down and the meme just perfectly fits the mood. In your head, you are thinking that this fits me perfectly! That is me! Or that you can totally relate to what the other person is thinking.


The best memes are organic. Perhaps it is a funny photo paired with the perfect quip. Maybe it was something that can be perceived as serious or proper but is turned on its side by a quote out of left field that changes one’s opinion about a subject. All of these are great.


Where memes fail, is when people try too hard to force the generation of a meme. They just fail to produce a real genuine reaction.  Worse, they just come off as being creepy. Template memes are just like when aspiring entertainers fail to produce some uniqueness in their performance in on Youtube, etc.


Then there are companies that try and jump in on the meme fun. Please, please, think before you meme. Don’t produce memes that leave something left to be desired like overcooked chicken or burnt toast. Forcing a meme into existence is risky business! We know you are on a budget and have deadlines. Take a deep breath and innovate. Find the inner meme waiting to appear and allow it to organically happen. Template memes and memes that project weak jokes may evoke cheap laughter but to meme fandom they are kind of sad and a turnoff. This is one food that needs to be cooked well.


Please do not make memes that stink. We need our memes to liven up our day. Happy meme generating!