
reporting interviewing businessman

Charles Caleb Colton is credited with the quote, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".

The definition of imitation includes to simulate or copy. When it comes to YouTube videos too often there are aspiring artists who simply resort to copying rather than emulating a type of performance or crafting their own signature style. Please do not do this. You have your own gifts to bring to bear and I think you will be better served by being similar but different or unique instead of being a clone.


Yes, if you use SEO and benefit from a hot category, you will get views. This is especially if you capture lightning in a bottle and are able to generate a viral video (or two). It can happen and does, but this is more about luck. The YouTubers that I follow offer audiences a great experience and tend to offer something else that the clones do not. There is some authenticity in their performance that makes me go back instead of subscribing to someone else who just attacks the same topic over and over again.


As a fan, it is disappointing to be redirected to a completely mailed in performance. If I want to watch a funny impersonation of a video game character or celebrity, I want to watch an impersonation of the subject not you imitating the previous impersonator impersonating the subject. See how confusing that is? The exception is if you are doing a review. That can be useful and if you inject your own personal charm and ingenuity that can be very entertaining. Don’t be boring! We are counting on you to deliver on the next great cat video!