
young woman checking her phone

The first day of school is hard. It is especially difficult if you have just moved to a different part of the country and you have no friends. 

I know mom and dad said it would be a great new experience but I am not sold yet.


I miss my friends and I miss what was normal. On the first day, it is like an intense ritual dance. People try to figure you out, and you try not to end up with egg on your face and labels that will haunt you past your class reunion. I could really have used a super power like invisibility. I am not sure what to expect but I would rather not be seen or heard from. Hopefully, my teachers won't call on me or make me stand in the front and answer a bunch of lame questions about who I am and stuff. Can we not and say we did?


Maybe I can just look at my phone and maybe they won't notice?


Wishful thinking.


So far so good. I am a wallflower. It is a good thing too. I need to figure out who I can trust and find some peeps I click with here. In the meantime, I need to check my favorite web comic. They are about to storm the bad guy's keep and I can't wait to see if this ship sails. Probably not since the stories I like seem to torment the readers, but the art work is really good and the writer does a really good job keeping you guessing. Maybe my friends back home will have read it and still want to talk about it. The battle never ends.